A solid cleansing regimen will keep your skin fresh, radiant and blemish free.

With so much focus on finding make-up with more staying power than Bruce Springsteen, getting it off is often a race season afterthought. But a solid cleansing regimen throughout the racing carnival will keep you blemish free beneath the face paint.

As well as choosing a good foundation that works with your skin type, it’s imperative to give skin space to breathe. Which is where cleansing comes in.

Why is cleasning so important?

“The objective of cleansing is to remove make-up, environmental debris and natural oils which accumulate on the skin's surface throughout the day and evening,” says dermal therapist James Vivian.

It also preps your skin for other products. “Applying subsequent products on skin that has been cleansed and softened will enhance penetration and therefore efficiency,” Vivian says.

Cleansing also promotes long-term skin health by stimulating circulation and the removal of toxins with the massage action.

Try the James Vivian method of cleansing:

1. To make the most of your cleanser, first wash your hands. Besides being hygienic, it allows your cleanser to focus on the dirt and oil of your face rather than that of your hands.

2. Blend your prescribed amount of cleanser with a small amount of cool or tepid water and massage onto your skin, focusing on any areas that may feel or look rougher in texture or you feel may need a little extra cleansing. This process should last a minimum of 60 seconds before rinsing off with cool or tepid water. It is not enough to apply your cleanser only to wash it off seconds later; you need to give your cleanser the opportunity to actually wash your face before you remove it.

3. If you’ve been wearing make-up, repeat the cleansing process a second time before gently towel-drying your skin.

4. Proceed to the next step in your skin-care routine (sunscreen, moisturiser, gradual tan…)

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